Seeping And Seeking

Matthew Henry wrote his commentary in 1708...some two hundred years before the pentecostal movement with its tongues, slaying in the spirit and 'new revelations from God'. Centuries before Bible-believing Christians ever even heard of yoga, contemplative prayer, mantras, etc.

In reading Mark 12:30 "...and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength..." I began to wonder how did those 18th century Bible-believing Christians do this? How did they interpret this verse prior to that, and how did the original New Testament believers respond when Jesus told them the greatest of all commandments?

Matthew Henry says of this, "The love of God is the renewing of the soul". Today we hear of people laying in piles all over each other, sitting in a circle around a candle chanting "Jee-sus...Jee-sus", counting beads, and lighting incense in their effort to love the Lord '...with all their heart, soul, and mind'.

What has happened in the 'timeline of history' between 'Bible-believing scriptural Word Of God interpretations and those of the 'all-over-the-map and off the wall' teachings we hear coming from today's emergent, new age, word of faith, and mystics?

Is this 'line' bold and sharp, like a ruler...or is it more like a blended melting pot? Is it 'something definite' that happened to change how we interpret the Bible? Is it even "the Bible" that's being interpreted to arrive at this mystic new-age destination? Can you pinpoint a spot on the timeline of history and write the answer on your margin of discernment?

Is it possible that God created a new 'dispensational age' at that point, let's say, "the age of the spirit", or "the age of mysticism" that Bible Believers just don't want to acknowledge?

Or, is it possible that Satan has been seeping backwards through the cracks on the timeline, seeking whom he may devour before the final judgements?

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